photo credit to Van Leesten Memorial Bridge, Providence, RI – INFORM Studio + Buro Happold (Photo by Steve Kroodsma)

The Federation of State Humanities Councils and the National Humanities Alliance are pleased to announce the 2024 National Humanities Conference Equitable Access grant recipients. This program has been made possible with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). These 15 grants reimburse travel, lodging, and registration expenses relating to the National Humanities Conference for U.S.-based humanities students and humanities professionals and scholars from a range of organizations such as museums, heritage centers, state humanities councils, universities, and community organizations. Applications were particularly encouraged from individuals from marginalized populations and communities previously underrepresented at the National Humanities Conference.

At the National Humanities Conference, this cohort will gather to get to know one another, attend and participate in conference sessions, and meet with senior staff from the NEH.

This year’s recipients are:

Kaly Arvizu
Museum Tour Guide
Explore Navajo Interactive Museum

Savannah Bennett
Collections Manager
Reece Museum, East Tennessee State University

Dale Brown
Manager of Humanities Outreach
Western Michigan University

Leela Denver
Instruction and Outreach Librarian
Arizona State University

Dominic Dongilli
Graduate Student
University of Iowa

Carolina Fuentes
Graduate Student
George Washington University

Nicole Garcia
North Hawai’i Community Foundation dba Honokaʻa Heritage Center

Esther Liu Godfrey
Division Chair, Languages, Literature, and Composition
University of South Carolina-Upstate, Professor of Nineteenth-Century British Literature

Anjelika Deogirikar Grossman
Associate Director, Massive Data Institute, McCourt School of Public Policy;
Engaged and Public Humanities Graduate Student
Georgetown University

McGwire Hidden
Temporary Employee/Part-time Instructor
Western Michigan University

Amber McCrary
Programs Manager
Arizona Humanities

Noah Mullens
Program Coordinator
Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere
University of Florida

Amy Sazue
Executive Director
Remembering the Children Memorial

Linda Small
Executive Director
Reentry Sisters

Robert Taliaferro
Representative Spokesperson
Odyssey Beyond Bars, University of Wisconsin