The 2023 Annual Business Meeting of the Federation House of Delegates will take place on Saturday, October 28, from 1:30 to 3:00 pm ET, in Marriot 5 at the Marriott Indianapolis Downtown.


Bylaws Amendments proposed for consideration at the business meeting should be filed with the Secretary of the Federation no later than Friday, October 13, 2023 in order to provide sufficient time for the membership’s review in advance of the meeting. Any such proposed amendment should be sent to with the subject “[Attn: Federation Secretary]”.


There are no Bylaws provisions dealing with Resolutions, although the offering of resolutions, as is the case for any activities associated with the annual business meeting, is governed by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. Robert’s Rules provides as follows:


A resolution is a formal main motion, preferably written, which may include reasons for making the motion.

Proposed resolutions are reviewed by the Federation Resolutions Committee, which is appointed annually by the Federation Chair. The Resolutions Committee is charged with reviewing the appropriateness and form of proposed resolutions, as well as the order of their presentation. In order to provide sufficient time for the Resolutions Committee’s review of proposed resolutions and the subsequent distribution of substantive resolutions (as opposed to resolutions of appreciation) to the membership for consideration in advance of the annual business meeting, we request that proposed substantive resolutions be submitted to the Federation no later than Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Resolutions received by that deadline will be included in the Annual Business Meeting materials to be distributed to all member councils by September 28.

Proposed resolutions of appreciation may also be submitted to the Federation after the September 27 deadline but no later than 1:30 pm on Friday, October 27, 2023 (an onsite conference location will be identified) in order to enable prior review by the Resolutions Committee, and the submitting council must take responsibility for distributing it to members.

If there are any questions regarding the foregoing, please contact Joy Hickey at

Resolution Format Example:

Form, punctuation, and capitalization of a Resolution with a preamble:

Whereas, The … (text of first preamble clause)

Whereas, … (text of the next to the last preamble clause); and

Whereas, … (text of the last preamble clause);

Resolved, That … (stating action to be taken);

Resolved, That … (stating further action to be taken); and

Resolved, That … (stating still further action to be taken).